Vea una divertida caricatura animada en la que los Wonkidos ayudan a enseñar los pasos que un niño necesita hacer para ir al baño. Refuerce los pasos y conductas que los niños necesitan saber para sentirse seguro a usar el baño. Los Wonkidos son personajes divertidos y vacilones que enseñan a los niños importantes lecciones de una manera entretenida! Cada historia modela comportamientos correctos y enseña lecciones de una forma divertida para todas las edades! Deje que los Wonkidos ayudar a su niño a aprender a usar el baño. The Wonkidos are fun, silly characters that teach children important lessons in a fun animated way! Each story models correct behaviors and teaches fun lessons for all ages! Kids learn best when engaged and having fun. Video modeling helps teach your child the correct behaviors of what to do in the correct situation. Teach your child the steps they need to learn to go potty all by themselves. - Visual Learning - Video Modeling - Fun Animated Cartoon to visually teach children - Important Social and Life Skills
The Wonkidos are fun, silly characters that teach children important lessons in a fun animated way! Each story models correct behaviors and teaches fun lessons for all ages! Let the Wonkidos help your child learn important social skills.
Kids learn best when engaged and having fun. Video modeling helps teach your child the correct behaviors of what to do in the correct situation.