'Let's be Friends' is a song written by the Rhymes team together with parents and tots at Hackney Playbus in London.
This is a song all about making friends, playing together....and sharing! The one word that as parents or carers of small children, we feel like we say a LOT! When we were writing this song, we found that the concept of 'taking turns' was really useful, and so we've incorporated that into the verse. Sharing is caring, it's what we do!
London Rhymes
The London Rhymes team have been reinventing the rhyme since 2015, collaborating with families and under 3's on our projects around London. Our songs are rooted in real experiences of parenting – the joys and the challenges, and offer something for families looking for beautiful, fun and original music to listen to and sing with their children. Songs for families – written with families!