'Good Morning' is a song written together with parents and tots in Hackney, London.
It features four languages – English, (Good Morning!), Slovakian, (Dobré Ráno), Japanese (Ohayo), and Italian (Buongiorno) which represents some of the nationalities in the room when we wrote it with parents and babies in Hackney. This is a feel-good tune that might help you get in the zone for a fun day. Perhaps with the help of a shot (or two) of espresso...
London Rhymes
The London Rhymes team have been reinventing the rhyme since 2015, collaborating with families and under 3's on our projects around London. Our songs are rooted in real experiences of parenting – the joys and the challenges, and offer something for families looking for beautiful, fun and original music to listen to and sing with their children. Songs for families – written with families!