Kylee finds a pumpkin and a clue in the Maker Box! This leads Kylee and her friends on a pumpkin hunt. When they open up a pumpkin, they find seeds inside.
Seeds are small things that make big pumpkins, just like lines are simple things that make complex works of art! Kylee and her friends learn about different kinds of lines and different kinds of emotions to help when identifying feelings as they decorate the pumpkins in the studio. Learn in this kids art video about lines and have fun with pumpkin decorating!
Kylee Makes It
Art Videos for Kids! Join Kylee as we experience the world as creative people. We ask good questions and creatively solve them together. We make amazing things and learn about ourselves and the world at the same time! We believe that all art is a process, and the process is even more important than the end product. A great resource for grown ups who want to connect through creativity with their kids.