Hi everyone and welcome to I like Signing Songs next exciting installment. Now, where will we find Corin today I wonder? Well seems he has headed down to the local jungle to help you learn to sing and sign some very important parts of the body!
Being a musician of some great renown, Corin likes to do his own versions of kids songs and nursery rhymes and this is his take on the classic Tofa Tafa kids song which he has called Toofa Tufa! But it's OK if you don't have your full set of Toofs yet because he is going to sign the song using Universal sign language which means you can use it to learn ASL, BSL & Makaton signs.
Pretty cool right? So without further ado, let's get ready to sing and sign along with Corin down in the jungle, and watch out incase there are any monsters about!
I Like Signing Songs
We like signing songs because it gives children the freedom to communicate before they can even talk, leading to greater understanding and less frustration between parent and child.
Signing and singing aid childrens emotional, intellectual and physical developement in immeasurable ways.
Plus music is fun, and what you learn with pleasure, you never forget.
So come and Play Music!!