En este video te enseñamos a hacer una receta de plastilina casera muy sencilla. Con unos pocos ingredientes, podrás crear tu propia plastilina no tóxica, sin peligro de que los más pequeños la prueben.
El juego con plastilina tiene numerosos beneficios para los niños: les ayuda a desarrollar la musculatura de las manos y la motricidad fina, y les permite desarrollar al máximo su creatividad.
In this video we show you how to make a very simple homemade play dough recipe. With just a few ingredients, you will be able to create your own non-toxic play dough, without any danger of the little ones trying to taste it.
Playing with play dough has many benefits for children: it helps them develop their hand muscles and fine motor skills, and allows them to develop their creativity to the fullest.
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon is an educational content brand aimed for early childhood kids. You will have tons of fun with us! Lots of activities to make at home and at school, educational episodes about a wide variety of topics, science experiments, crafts, easy recipes… we do everything!
Our content is made by a professional teacher and an Illustrator and 2D/3D animator, with the goal of bringing quality educational content to every house and school.
We hope you enjoy our videos!