¡Aprender las letras puede ser muy divertido si lo hacemos jugando! Hoy os enseñamos cuatro formas diferentes de enseñar las letras a los más pequeños, con juegos sensoriales que les van a encantar. Tanto si eres profesor/a, o quieres repasar las letras con tus hijos, estas ideas te resultarán muy útiles.
Learning the letters can be super fun if we learn them playing! Today we show you four different ideas to teach the letters to the little ones, with sensory games that they will love. Either if you are a teacher, or if you want to review the letters with your kids, these ideas will be really useful.
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon is an educational content brand aimed for early childhood kids. You will have tons of fun with us! Lots of activities to make at home and at school, educational episodes about a wide variety of topics, science experiments, crafts, easy recipes… we do everything!
Our content is made by a professional teacher and an Illustrator and 2D/3D animator, with the goal of bringing quality educational content to every house and school.
We hope you enjoy our videos!