Estas deliciosas galletas con pepitas de chocolate siempre salen increíbles. Tienen la textura y el sabor perfectos, y una vez que las haces, probablemente no duren mucho... :)
Cocinar con niños es una gran oportunidad para trabajar con ellos en muchas áreas: matemáticas, ciencia, desarrollo de la paciencia, etc... pero lo mejor de todo es que son la excusa perfecta para disfrutar de un tiempo de calidad con ellos.
These yummy chocolate chip cookies always turn out amazing. They have the perfect texture and taste, and once you make them, they probably won’t last long… :)
Cooking with children is a great opportunity to work with them in many areas: maths, science, developing patience, etc… but the best thing about it, it’s that they are the perfect excuse to enjoy some quality time with them.
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon is an educational content brand aimed for early childhood kids. You will have tons of fun with us! Lots of activities to make at home and at school, educational episodes about a wide variety of topics, science experiments, crafts, easy recipes… we do everything!
Our content is made by a professional teacher and an Illustrator and 2D/3D animator, with the goal of bringing quality educational content to every house and school.
We hope you enjoy our videos!