¡Aprende a hacer estos cupcakes tan MoNsTrUoSaMeNtE tiernos! Seguro que se convierten en el centro de atención de tu fiesta de Halloween y son súper fáciles de hacer, ¡a los niños les encantará ayudarte!
Cocinar con niños tiene muchísimos beneficios, ya que se pueden trabajar conceptos matemáticos, la espera, las mezclas de ingredientes, etc.
Learn how to make these SuPeR sCaRy and sweet monster cupcakes! They will become the center of attention of your Halloween party and they're super easy to make... children will love to help you create them!
Cooking with children has multiple benefits: you can work on math skills, waiting, mixing ingredientes, etc.
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon
Gato Rainbow & Gata Moon is an educational content brand aimed for early childhood kids. You will have tons of fun with us! Lots of activities to make at home and at school, educational episodes about a wide variety of topics, science experiments, crafts, easy recipes… we do everything!
Our content is made by a professional teacher and an Illustrator and 2D/3D animator, with the goal of bringing quality educational content to every house and school.
We hope you enjoy our videos!