[EN] Teach your child the basics of reading using the syllabic method. The syllabic method, commonly called “b.a. – ba”, is a method of learning to read consisting in identifying the letters present in a word, in order to be able to combine them into syllables to arrive at the formation of a word. It is an associative mechanism.
[FR] Apprenez à votre enfant les bases de la lecture en utilisant la méthode syllabique. La méthode syllabique, couramment appelée « b.a. – ba », est une méthode d'apprentissage de la lecture consistant à identifier les lettres présentes dans un mot, afin de pouvoir les combiner en syllabes pour arriver à la formation d’un mot. Il s’agit d’un mécanisme associatif.
FouFou Channel
Foufou Channel is a channel that is both fun and educational, aimed at the youngest. It contains videos to learn colors, the alphabet, but also animals, music, mathematics, geography, languages and more. The child will thus be able to enrich his vocabulary and put words to everything around him.