Hi friends!
Today we’ll show you how to make a very simple origami handiwork – origami dog.
To make such a doggie is a very simple task even for an origami amateur.
Origami for children is an excellent way to develop logical and spatial thinking, to stimulate creative activity by activating thought processes.
Origami (from Japanese 折り紙 – literally “folding paper”) is an ancient skill to make figures from paper. From now on you’ll always find on our channel new interesting origami handiworks.
Origami is an interesting and absorbing occupation for both adults and children, beginning from age 3. Just try to do it!
We hope that our video lessons will help you and your kids to become real experts in origami art.
Video blogging is our family business. There are 3 of us: myself, my wife Tania and our 7 year-old son David. We do DIY activities, mostly paper crafts, for kids (and parents too!). We also teach kids colours, shapes, animals and more through our videos.